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Tradies’ health and wellbeing 
IPC Health and HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies) have partnered up again to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for tradies and industrial workers in Melbourne’s West by creating tailored services that meet their specific needs. The global men’s health charity Movember announced in June 2021 that our partnership will share in $AUD3.54m of innovation funding, along with 10 other projects around the world.

Men’s social connections
Movember’s Social Connections Challenge initiative called for submissions to develop digital or technological ideas that maintain or strengthen men’s social connections and tackle isolation. IPC Health and HALT’s idea for the Check Mate app, an artificial intelligence (AI) mediated smartphone app to help tradies check in with each other, was one of 11 ideas funded from a short list of 71 other global projects.

We know it’s vitally important that men are able to build strong social connections, take action early when times are tough, and feel comfortable having conversations about the big things in life in order to maintain positive mental health. Young, male tradies have a strong mateship culture, and do want to support each other. But their gender, age and workplace culture can create barriers to open conversations about mental health. Tradies aren’t really sure how to start a tough conversation with their mates, and they’re worried they might say the wrong thing.

Check Mate app
So we came up with Check Mate, a smartphone app that will make it easier for mates to reach out to each other to check on their wellbeing, help them feel more connected with and supported by each other, and develop their skills in having tough conversations about their mental health. We’re looking forward to working with Movember to bring this app to life and helping young tradies in the West support each other.

Get involved
For more information or to register your interest in being involved with Check Mate, please contact Elise De Losa, IPC Health Innovation & Growth Lead.